Today there was an interesting site a few of us were unlucky enough to witness. A couple in their late 20s made out heavy duty for at least 45 to 60 minutes. Then at the end of our trip, again I saw some teenagers in the train station were making out. I am happy to be going home soon where people are a little more private about expressing their affection. This was not our reason for this trip. We were on our seminar field trip. We went under the Duomo to see the reminants of a Roman house, first Christian church, and a Romanesque church. A nasty smell almost like urine greeted us first as we entered a dark short space. The display was eclectic with random bits of ruins from the different eras mixed among each other. It has probably been my least favorite so far. Afterwards we went to a museum a few blocks away. The only interesting things in it were the postcards made with an analysis of the Duomo area and the large model of the Roman town where Florence is currently. Then since none of us had gone into the baptistery yet Carol took us. It is a tall space with loads of gold mosaics on the walls and mostly on the octagonal dome ceiling. The space is similar in proportions and style to the Pantheon just in an octagonal form. The mosaics were mostly depicting stories from the Bible. This trip has definitely proven we are done looking at and analyzing the ruins and historic sites. It was obvious by our lack of attention and disdain on our faces. I am ready for a break in my home country. It hopefully will revive my interest in Italy and all of its history again for when I return.
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